Windows 7  /'  Vista
How do you get your money back from purchasing windows 7 which turns out to be more of an down grade than up.I would like to go back to Vista which I started with, Can I or is it to lateQuick books Email, & Video don't work ever sense I upgraded to windows 7 from Vista.This has been a majordisappointment and money loss.
November 9th, 2009 4:00am

You can contact the vendor. Generally they can help refund the product. Also you can contact Customer Service to see if there is any useful information.In addition, if you would like to discuss the exact issue you have encountered, we can try to resolve them or find a workaround. For Quickbooks program, try to upgrade them to a vewer version or contact the manufacturer to see if there is any update we should install.For Video related issue, please provide more information.
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November 10th, 2009 8:26am

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